Upper & Lower Body Extremities and Joints Complete 20-Pack Webinar Bundle – Save 50%

Upper & Lower Body Extremities and Joints Complete 20-Pack Webinar Bundle – Save 50%

Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,250.00.


Upper & Lower Body Extremities and Joints Complete 20-Pack Webinar Bundle

This bundle is the ultimate way to become competent and confident in treating musculoskeletal (MSK), pain, and neurological conditions of the extremities and major joints of the body. We added all the webinars you need to treat countless conditions and ultimately specialize in treating MSK conditions. All webinars are to the point and focus on assessment and treatment.

Instructor: Dr. Anthony Lombardi

Purchase includes lifetime access

All webinar approved for NCCAOM PDAs and are California CEU pending or approved

No refunds

After purchase, the bundle will be listed in your account at the bottom of the screen

The Extremities & Joints Bundle includes the following webinars:


  • Assessment & Treatment of Frozen Shoulder
  • Shoulder Impingements: How, Why, and When to Needle the Subscapularis
  • Making Sense of Shoulder Mechanics for Clinical Applications



  • Carpal Tunnel, Lateral Elbow Pain, and Trigger Finger, with additional Trigger Thumb Webinar



  • Obturator Nerve Entrapment
  • Assessment & Treatment of the Osteoarthritic Hip
  • Assessment & Treatment of Post Surgical Patients for Low Back, Knee, and Hip Surgery
  • Assessment, Electro-Acupuncture, and Joint Needling for Osteoarthritis and Joint Injuries
  • Athletic Pubalgia


Lower Extremities:

  • Assessment & Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis Using Electro-Acupuncture & Associated Modalities
  • Assessment & Treatment of Foot Drop
  • Anatomy, the Fascia, & Accessory Movements of the Foot and Ankle with Injury Treatment
  • Assessment & Treatment of Hallux Rigidus and Hammer Toe
  • Assessment & Treatment of Traumatic and Non-Traumatic Knee Pain
  • Assessment & treatment of Knee Pain from Plica Band Syndrome
  • Assessment & Acupuncture of Leg Length Disparities



  • Meralgia Parasthetica
  • Assessment, Electro-Acupuncture, & Manual Release for 12 Peripheral Nerve Entrapments
  • Cutaneous Nerve Electro-Acupuncture for Pain and Improving Joint Function
  • Fundamentals of Electro-Acupuncture


Total of all webinars if purchased individually: $2500.00

About Dr. Lombardi: 

Dr. Anthony Lombardi is a 2002 graduate of the New York Chiropractic College and McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program in Hamilton, Ontario, and has been practicing acupuncture for 20 years. Upon graduation, he founded Hamilton Back Clinic and since then has become a private consultant to athletes in the NFL, CFL, and NHL. Over the past 19 years Anthony has given over 120,000 acupuncture treatments. In addition to practicing, Dr. Lombardi was also an instructor in the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program at McMaster University from 2004 to 2013. He developed the EXSTORE™ system, an organized system of assessment and treatment that produces fast results using motor points, electro-acupuncture, soft tissue work, and other modalities. Dr. Lombardi has a library of on-demand education that continues to grow, with some 65 webinars available covering a variety of Musculoskeletal conditions and practice management topics. He also teaches his EXSTORE™ system through live, in-person seminars throughout the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Lombardi’s mentorship community on dranthonylombardi.locals.com rounds out the many ways you can learn the EXSTORE™ system and start getting amazing results in your practice right away.

Dr. Lombardi maintains a busy practice, averaging both 170 patient visits and 12 new patients a week for over ten years.