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The Art of Palpating Clinical Anatomy
The Art of Palpating Clinical Anatomy
Record date: June 19, 2021
Length: 2 hours 57 minutes
Purchase includes lifetime access to the recording
Approved for 3 NCCAOM PDAs, Category PE-CW
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Palpation is critical when it comes to treating Orthopedic/MSK/Pain patients. Having the ability to palpate and understand what you are looking for and feeling is critical in the proper needling and treatment of patients, as well as obtaining optimal results. This webinar will help the practitioner become more familiar with various anatomy and anatomical landmarks and understand palpation much better. Anatomy will be reviewed as well as lab procedures in clinic.
Palpation is an Art – and Palpating Makes You a Better Practitioner
We always hear patients and other practitioners complaining that a big issue with conventional medicine and Western physicians is that they never put their hands on the patient. But did you know that there are many, many acupuncturists who also never do?
When I was practicing, I had several practitioners treat me. I was quite surprised when the first practitioner didn’t even palpate to see where the pain was. But I was even more surprised when it happened again and again with other practitioners. They simply put needles in without ever palpating or looking further into the pain I was experiencing.
And the Acupuncturists I went to who did palpate? I experienced better results.
Your Acupuncture education may or may not have included robust anatomy curriculum. Even if it did, a larger share of our studies focused on TCM and Chinese Medicine, and locating TCM acupuncture points doesn’t always include utilizing anatomy. Â Whatever the reasons, we have to be confident and safe when needling, and we must be competent in anatomy and the structures we are needling adjacent to or into. Plus, palpating provides many more important benefits, including:
- Finding landmarks and tissues from which pain can be originating
- Identify landmarks for better needling accuracy
- Avoiding needling into certain structures
- Better, more accurate and effective needling
- Better treatment results
AND, palpation helps:
- Develop confidence with patients
- Provide comfort and even relief to the patient
- Rule out red flags (Did you hear about Anthony’s latest patients?)
The bottom line is – WE SHOULD BE PALPATING! And if you already are palpating, great! The Art of Palpating Clinical Anatomy will help you take your skills – and patient care – to the next level!
Over 60 structures are covered in this webinar. Here is a list of what is covered:
Vertebral Structures:
- C5, C6, C7
- T2, T7, T12
- L1, L3/L4, S2
- Intra-articular notch
- Carotid Tubercle
- First rib
- Scalenes
Thoracic Structures
- Costovertebral Joint
- Ribs 3-12
- Scapula
- Lateral Axillary Line
Lumbar Structures
- Floating ribs
- Iliolumbar ligament
- Transverse processes L3-L5
- Lateral border of sacrum at S4
Pelvic Structures
- Ischial tuberosity
- Greater tuberosity
- SI Joint
Upper Extremity Structures
- Posterior capsule shoulder
- Lateral intermuscular septum
- Capitate
- Lateral/Medial epicondyle
- Upper 2/3 of humerus
- Deltoid tuberosity
- Radiohumeral joint
- Barchial pulse
Lower Extremity Structures
- Patella
- Pes Anserinus
- Adductor Longus tendon
- Adductor Mangus belly
- Medial Malleolus
- Posterior Tibial pulse
- Posterior tibial ridge
- Dorsal Pedal pulse
- 1st MTP
- Sinus Tarsi
- Achilles Tendon and Paratendon
- Posterior Talo-Calcaneal Articulation
Upper Body Nerves
- Greater Occipital
- Facial Nerve
- Cervical Plexus
- Supraclavicular
- Radial
- Superficial Radial
- Median
- Ulnar
Lower Body Nerves
- Lateral Femoral Cutaneous
- Saphenous
- Femoral
- Sural
- Sciatic
Whether you are a new practitioner learning some of the above for the first time, or an experienced practitioner looking for review and also new tips, The Art of Palpating Clinical Anatomy webinar is for you – it will help you be a better practitioner.
About Dr. Lombardi:
Dr. Anthony Lombardi is a 2002 graduate of the New York Chiropractic College and McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program in Hamilton, Ontario, and has been practicing acupuncture for 19 years. Upon graduation, he founded Hamilton Back Clinic and since then has become a private consultant to athletes in the NFL, CFL, and NHL. Over the past 15 years Anthony has given over 100,000 acupuncture treatments. In addition to practicing, Dr. Lombardi was also an instructor in the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program at McMaster University from 2004 to 2013. He developed his EXSTORE® system, which he currently teaches along with motor points and electro-acupuncture, to physicians and practitioners the world over. He regularly writes and contributes articles on motor points in the Canadian Chiropractic and Chiropractic Economics magazines. Dr. Lombardi’s library continues to grow, with some 60 webinars available covering a variety of MSK and pain conditions, as well as patient practice management topics. He holds live seminars throughout the U.S. and Canada.
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