
Pelvic Floor Acupuncture & Dry Needling 4-Day Certification Course

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Pelvic Floor Acupuncture & Dry Needling Certification Course

An Orthopedic approach to Treating Pelvic Pain and …..

Dates: Friday May 1st through Sunday May4th (4 days)

Times: Thursday through Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm; Sunday 8:00am-5:00pm

: 7:45am

Venue: Double Tree

Address: Tampa, Florida

Link to book a discounted overnight room coming soon

Primary Instructor: Jamie Hampton, DAOM, L.Ac.

Fascial/Soft Tissue Instructor: Ciel Yogis, DPT


Lolane Glundal, L.Ac.

Moses Alvarez, L.Ac.

Darren O’Rourke, L.Ac.

Pelvic Floor Acupuncture & Dry Needling are incredibly effective tools for treating pelvic pain as well as Genito-urinary, sexual, and gynecological conditions. Dr. Jamie Hampton has specialized in treating these disorders through pelvic floor acupuncture for over 15 years.

Very few practitioners offer treatments in this specialty, and even fewer are trained to do so. There are many treatment, safety, and ethical considerations when treating the pelvic floor and surrounding areas. Therefore, a common curriculum providing highly effective skills while addressing the safety and care of patients is imperative. Certification through ASE Seminars LLC provides assurance to patients and practitioners alike that the practitioner is met core standards that assure they are capable and competent in treating the pelvic floor.

ASE Seminars LLC has the final decision on certifying practitioners. All competencies must be met. Deficiencies will be addressed in a positive and reinforcing way. Our goal is to make sure you have the necessary competency and ability to confidently and safely treat pelvic floor patients.

Pelvic Floor Certification Course

4 days

Sunday 1-5 is the practicum skills assessment

Techniques in the skills assessment below

Includes 1-year membership to Jamie’s Private Pelvic Floor Facebook Group

Lifetime access to all videos

Certification criteria:

All pre-requisite coursework prior to the class

Attend Zoom meeting prior to the class to ask questions and learn about expectations

Complete the class including the hands-on practical portion

Complete 3 case studies on your own; Case studies will be reviewed with Jamie

Complete the final quiz online

Pre-requisite Coursework

  • Intro to DN Video + Quiz
  • Ciel’s Video + Quiz
  • Review of the recorded seminars from 2023 and 2024

All videos must be watched and all quizzes passed

Because of the pre-requisites, attendees must register with enough time to complete the pre-requisite work.


8:00am-8:30am: REVIEW (this is in the pre-req video too) Why we needle these muscles; Trigger point anatomy; Pain: Peripheral and central sensitization; Trigger Point Referrals

8:30am-9:00am: Lecture and Demo: Glutes & Piriformis lecture and demo

9:00-9:30: Glutes & Piriformis hands-on

9:30-10:00am: Multifidi and QL lecture and demo

10:00am-10:30am: Multifidi and QL hands-on

10:30am-11:00pm: Quads, TFL, Hamstrings

11:00-11:30pm: Quads & TFL, Hamstrings

11:30-12:00pm: Adductors & Pectineus; The femoral triangle

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm-1:30pm: Adductors & Pectineus

1:30-2:00pm: Iliopsoas lecture and demo

2:00pm-2:30pm: Iliopsoas hands-on practice

2:30-2:45: Break

2:45-3:30: Rectus Abdominis, Urachus, Umbilicus needling demo

3:30-4:00: Rectus Abdominis, Urachus, Umbilicus needling practice

4:00pm-5:30pm: Clinical ethics and how to approach your patient safely, including victims of sexual abuse/violence, w/discussion. Informed consent. Communication.

End of Day 1


8:00am-9:00am: Unwrapping the Pelvis: Overview of Anatomy & Physiology; bones, ligaments, pelvic diaphragm & Levator ani, perineum & anococcygeal ligament, palpation specific to the PF; Acupuncture techniques overview: Trigger points, motor points pertinent to helping your patients; Needling technique for the PF overview; needle sizes, lengths, ideal techniques

9:00-9:30am: Ligaments and draping demos

9:30-10:00am: Ligaments hands-on practice

10:00am-10:30am: Pelvic diaphragm/Levator ani/coccygeus demos

10:30am-11:00am: Pelvic diaphragm/Levator ani/coccygeus hands-on practice

11:00am-11:30am: Obturator Internus/Externus; QF, Gemellus

11:30am-12:00pm: Obturator Internus/Externus; QF, Gemellus

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm-1:30pm: The Perineum and the Anococcygeal ligament demo

1:30pm-2:00pm: The Perineum and the Anococcygeal ligament hands-on practice

2:00pm-2:30pm: Male anatomy, demos, needling practice, treatment strategies

2:30-3:00pm: Male Practice ischio, bulbo

3:00-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:30pm: Female anatomy, demos of ischio, bulbo, labia

4:30pm-5:00pm: Female practice ischio, bulbo, labia

5:00pm-6:00pm: Open lab, catch up and practice

End Day 2


8:00am-8:30am: Scars: Postpartum birth/trauma scar/episiotomy

8:30am-9:00am: Scars practice

9:00am-10:00am: Electro-acupuncture techniques overview

10:00am-10:45am: Electroacupuncture; the Perineum + Perineal Electroacupuncture; Anococcygeal Ligament; Coccygeus; Severe hypertonic pelvic floor DEMO

10:45am-11:30am: Perineum, Sacral foramen, HTJJ, Coccydynia, PTNS, Perineum PRACTICE

11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch

12:30pm-6:00pm: Ciel

Anterior tilt/Posterior tilt/One hip higher/Pelvic tilt & rotation

Tongue – Jaw – Diaphragm – Pelvic Floor connection + Breathing

Soft tissue techniques for Obturator rami

Skin rolling


End Day 3


9:00am-12:00pm: Jamie and Ciel: Treatment strategies for specific conditions of the Bladder, Pudendal Neuralgia, Female disorders, Male disorders, Neuralgias; Case Studies

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch

1:0pm-5:00pm: Skills assessment



✅ Anococcyegeal Ligament

✅ Sacrotuberous

✅ Iliolumbar


✅ Levator Ani

✅ Coccygeus

✅ Anococcygeal ligament

✅ Perineum E-stim

✅ Obturator internus/externus


✅ Psoas

✅ Pectineus

✅ Adductor Magnus/Longus

✅ Rectus abdominis

✅ Umbilicus Needling

*This is a preliminary list. Additional muscles and ligaments may be added.

This 4-day course with the pre-requisite work, case studies, and post-seminar assessment and written test, will provide you with certification in Pelvic Floor Acupuncture & Dry Needling.

Course includes:

  • Certification in Pelvic Floor Acupuncture & Dry Needling after completion of all coursework
  • 1-year membership to Dr. Hampton’s private Facebook group
  • Listing on the Pelvic Floor Directory at asedirectory.com
  • Recorded seminars from 2023 and 2024 with lifetime access
  • Any additional videos added from subsequent seminars

Head Instructor: Jamie Hampton, DAOM, L.Ac.

Second instructor: Ciel Yogis, DPT

Assistant instructors:

Darren O’Rourke, L.Ac.; Lolane Glundal, L.Ac.; Moses Alvarez, L.Ac.

Location: Tampa, Florida

Venue: Double Tree, Tampa, Florida

Dates: May 1st-May 4th, 2025

Certification criteria:

  • Complete all pre-requisite coursework prior to the class
  • Attend Zoom meeting prior to the class
  • Complete the class including the hands-on practical portion and final skills assessment
  • Complete 3 case studies on your own, after the in-person course; Case studies will be reviewed with Dr. Hampton via Zoom
  • Complete the final online quiz

Pre-requisite Coursework

  • Intro to Dry Needling Video + Quiz
  • Ciel Yogis Video + Quiz
  • Watch the Pelvic Floor recorded seminars from 2023 and 2024 lecture + demo videos

All videos must be watched and all quizzes passed prior to attending the in-person course

Because of the pre-requisites, attendees must register with enough time to complete the pre-requisite work

Note: There are no discounts or refunds for this certification course. A credit will be issued in the event that you are unable to make the in-person course.


8:00am-8:30am: REVIEW (this is in the pre-req video too) Why we needle these muscles; Trigger point anatomy; Pain: Peripheral and central sensitization; Trigger Point Referrals

8:30am-9:00am: Lecture and Demo: Glutes & Piriformis lecture and demo

9:00-9:30: Glutes & Piriformis hands-on

9:30-10:00am: Multifidi and QL lecture and demo

10:00am-10:30am: Multifidi and QL hands-on

10:30am-11:00pm: Quads, TFL, Hamstrings

11:00-11:30pm: Quads & TFL, Hamstrings

11:30-12:00pm: Adductors & Pectineus; The femoral triangle

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm-1:30pm: Adductors & Pectineus

1:30-2:00pm: Iliopsoas lecture and demo

2:00pm-2:30pm: Iliopsoas hands-on practice

2:30-2:45: Break

2:45-3:30: Rectus Abdominis, Urachus, Umbilicus needling demo

3:30-4:00: Rectus Abdominis, Urachus, Umbilicus needling practice

4:00pm-5:30pm: Clinical ethics and how to approach your patient safely, including victims of sexual abuse/violence, w/discussion. Informed consent. Communication.

End of Day 1


8:00am-9:00am: Unwrapping the Pelvis: Overview of Anatomy & Physiology; bones, ligaments, pelvic diaphragm & Levator ani, perineum & anococcygeal ligament, palpation specific to the PF; Acupuncture techniques overview: Trigger points, motor points pertinent to helping your patients; Needling technique for the PF overview; needle sizes, lengths, ideal techniques

9:00-9:30am: Ligaments and draping demos

9:30-10:00am: Ligaments hands-on practice

10:00am-10:30am: Pelvic diaphragm/Levator ani/coccygeus demos

10:30am-11:00am: Pelvic diaphragm/Levator ani/coccygeus hands-on practice

11:00am-11:30am: Obturator Internus/Externus; QF, Gemellus

11:30am-12:00pm: Obturator Internus/Externus; QF, Gemellus

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm-1:30pm: The Perineum and the Anococcygeal ligament demo

1:30pm-2:00pm: The Perineum and the Anococcygeal ligament hands-on practice

2:00pm-2:30pm: Male anatomy, demos, needling practice, treatment strategies

2:30-3:00pm: Male Practice ischio, bulbo

3:00-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:30pm: Female anatomy, demos of ischio, bulbo, labia

4:30pm-5:00pm: Female practice ischio, bulbo, labia

5:00pm-6:00pm: Open lab, catch up and practice

End Day 2


8:00am-8:30am: Scars: Postpartum birth/trauma scar/episiotomy

8:30am-9:00am: Scars practice

9:00am-10:00am: Electro-acupuncture techniques overview

10:00am-10:45am: Electroacupuncture; the Perineum + Perineal Electroacupuncture; Anococcygeal Ligament; Coccygeus; Severe hypertonic pelvic floor DEMO

10:45am-11:30am: Perineum, Sacral foramen, HTJJ, Coccydynia, PTNS, Perineum PRACTICE

11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch

12:30pm-6:00pm: Ciel Yogis, DPT

Anterior tilt/Posterior tilt/One hip higher/Pelvic tilt & rotation

Tongue – Jaw – Diaphragm – Pelvic Floor connection + Breathing

Soft tissue techniques for Obturator rami

Skin rolling


End Day 3 


9:00am-12:00pm: Dr. Jamie Hampton and Ciel Yogis, DPT: Treatment strategies for specific conditions of the Bladder, Pudendal Neuralgia, Female disorders, Male disorders, Neuralgias; Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Fascial Techniques, and other techniques

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch



✅ Anococcyegeal Ligament

✅ Sacrotuberous

✅ Iliolumbar


Levator Ani


Anococcygeal ligament

Perineum E-stim





Adductor Magnus/Longus

Rectus abdominis

Umbilicus Needling

About Jamie Hampton, DAOM

Years of experience: 18

About Lolane Glundal, L.Ac.

Years of experience: 18


About Moses Alvarez, RN, L.Ac.

Years of experience: 22

Moses Alvarez, RN, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist and registered professional nurse specializing in orthopedics and electroacupuncture. Moses has over 20 years of total experience in the fields of rehabilitation therapy, pain management and exercise science, with acupuncture specialty training in EXSTORE, pelvic floor, and trigger point dry needling. In addition to practicing, Moses is also an assistant instructor for all of Dr. Anthony Lombardi’s and Dr. Jamie Hampton’s seminars. He has a private practices in Central Pennsylvania serving athletes, the general population, MSK, pelvic floor and post-surgery patients.

About Darren O’Rourke, L.Ac. (Ireland)

Years of experience: 11

Darren O Rourke, L.Ac, NMPT, R.Herb, has been a licensed acupuncturist in Dublin, Ireland since 2013 and a Neuromuscular Physical Therapist since 2015. He graduated from the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland and participated in an internship in the Neurological department of the 2nd Provincial Hospital of Nanjing, China. Darren specializes in the treatment of the Musculoskeletal System including Sports Injuries, Orthopedics and Pelvic Floor. He runs his own private practice, Physicare, in Dublin, Ireland and works with professional athletes including individual fighters and football teams. Darren is passionate about the integration of dry needling and manual therapeutic techniques becoming more established into the field of acupuncture and feels it will place Acupuncturists as the go-to therapists for MSK conditions.

About Ciel Yogis, DPT

Years of experience: 8+

Ciel Yogis is a physical therapist who treats patients with bowel, bladder or sexual dysfunction, as well as orthopedic impairments. Her goal is to restore natural movement to the body through a holistic approach that incorporates her experience as a Pilates instructor.

Ciel helps patients individually to understand their own impairments from an anatomical and functional perspective, while also teaching them about the psychological components of their pain or dysfunction. Her treatment often includes education, behavioral modifications, traditional exercise and neuromuscular exercises, a method called Fascial Manipulation and other manual therapies, and mindfulness-based exercises.

Ciel earned her physical therapy doctorate from a joint program between San Francisco State University and UCSF. She is a certified Pilates instructor and a certified instructor in the MELT Method, which teaches individuals to relieve their own pain, stay healthy and reach physical goals.

Ciel is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and California Physical Therapy Association.