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Many acupuncturists had little to no training or education in understanding or reading radiology reports. Meanwhile, many patients have questions on radiology. While there is no substitute for a radiologist’s or referring MD professional opinion, there is absolutely a need and place for another set of trained eyes to review reports. And, patients may have questions on the films or reports themselves that you can help answer. Learning this information can increase a practitioner’s self confidence, an important element in optimal patient care.
In this webinar, Dr. Lombardi will review how to read a variety of radiology reports covering common areas of the body, including X-rays, MRI, and CT scans.
- Understand how to:
- Read, interpret, and visualize 10 imaging reports of the spine
- Read, interpret, and visualize ommon imaging reports of the shoulder
- Read, interpret, and visualize 6 imaging reports of the hip
- Read, interpret, and visualize 7 imaging reports of the knee
- Read, interpret, and visualize 5 imaging reports of the foot/ankle
- What do the results mean clinically? Why radiology results are not necessarily a diagnosis.