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This is the online version of the EXSTORE™ System –  a complete system of intake, assessment, treatment, and treatment planning, so you are able to work smarter, not harder. See more patients in less time while getting outstanding results. Don’t learn just another technique, start using a complete system designed for treating Orthopedic and MSK patients. The Complete On-Line EXSTORE training provides you with the skills necessary to start using EXSTORE™ assessment, motor points, electroacupuncture, and soft tissue manual therapy. If you can’t make a live seminar, this is the next best way to learn.

Total Length: ~13.25 hours

On-line course recorded October 2020

Includes the 2018 EXSTORE & EA recorded seminar – an additional 6 hours of content

Includes 1 year to Dr. Lombardi’s Mentorship Community at!

Includes the Motor Point and EXSTORE Assessment Digital Manuals

Approved for 6 NCCAOM PDAs

What is covered:
  • Determine Mechanical vs Chronic systemic conditions
  • Learn how to take a patient history in 5-6 mins
  • Learn EXSTORE Upper/Lower Body Assessments
  • Bloodwork: When to order, what to order – and why
  • Properties of Soft Tissue
  • Learn 5 Quickstart Manual Protocols
  • Learn to classify the 4 types of pain
  • Learn how acupuncture works for pain
  • Learn 6 Electroacupuncture Treatment Protocols
  • Learn 70 Motor Points
    • High risk motor points such as serratus anterior are NOT covered, as those need to be learned in person.
  • Learn the Entry Point of Energy Techniques
  • Learn how to Assess & Analyze Gait
  • Patient demos: Dr. Lombardi performs gait analyses, full patient history, upper and lower body EXSTORE, full treatments and reassessments
  • Recording of 2018 EXSTORE™ Seminar

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